Thursday, August 30, 2012

Good Luck in your physical education classes this year!

School sports tryouts - be in shape

If you're physically fit and well rested you'll have a better chance of making the team - whether it's football, soccer, cheerleading or any other sport.  Follow these tips to achieve it:

1.  Get at least eight hours sleep the night before

2.   Make sure you've had a high-energy meal before going to practice.

3.  Make sure you take in plenty of fluids so you don't dehydrate.

4.  Work hard but if you're too hot or feeling queasy, tell your coach and take a rest.

5.  Taking a break is not going to hurt your chances as much as puking or passing out on the field will.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Teaching Your Child to Ride a Bike.
As a parent, I spent many hours teaching my 4 children to ride a bike by holding on to the back of the bicycle seat as they pedaled and I delicately balanced them so they would not fall.  Letting go of the seat gradually, they finally mastered their sense of balance and I no longer had to run a marathon with each lesson, and I could finally ride my bike along with them.  Bike riding can be fun at any age.

Then I read an article on how to teach your child to ride a bike effortlessly.  The article said to merely remove the pedals and let the child use their legs to propel the bike as they do on their 3 wheel scooter.  The children get an immediate feel for motion and balance each time they push off from the ground.  I thought it was a terrific idea and one that would have saved me many hours of running while teaching my kids to ride more quickly.

One day last year, I saw a young child riding a bike with no pedals.  The bike was well designed and it was obvious that it had been made expressly for teaching a young child how to ride a bike without support.  The child's parent said he had purchased the bike in a store that sold such bikes and I was amazed that someone had turned a simple idea into a profitable business.  Only in America. The company that made this bike was Strider Bike.  Their web page is  If you are about to teach your child to ride a bike, take a look at this site.  Also, You Tube has lots of videos, some very humorous, of children learning to ride their bike in this manner.  This is not a commercial, just a blog, and I have no special interest in this company.  Just trying to prevent adult heart attacks while teaching kids ride their bike. :)

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Gaetano´s blog: Safety Education

Gaetano´s blog: Safety Education: I was once invited to do a convention program on safety education for young children.  After coming up blank with a good approach, I asked m...

Gaetano´s blog: Getting Kids to Eat Healthy Tips!

Gaetano´s blog: Getting Kids to Eat Healthy Tips!:    GETTING KIDS TO EAT HEALTHY             TIPS…TIPS…TIPS… ·          Start the day with a healthy breakfast (refuels your b...

Getting Kids to Eat Healthy Tips!



·         Start the day with a healthy breakfast (refuels your body and gives you energy for the day)

·         Let kids help plan one meal each week and eat together as often as possible.

·         Eat slowly!  It takes 20 minutes for your brain to register that you are full.

·         Eat more vegetables and fresh fruits

·         Aim for a total of 2 cups of fruit and 2 1/2 cups of vegetables daily

·         Eat more whole grains (oats, brown rice, rye, crackers, whole-wheat pasta),try to eat at least 3 ounces of whole grains every day.

·         Drink plenty of fluids

·          Serve a variety of foods

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Safety Education

I was once invited to do a convention program on safety education for young children.  After coming up blank with a good approach, I asked my second graders several questions. "What does it mean to be educated in math?"  They replied you could add, subtract, multiply, divide etc.  I then asked the same question for reading and they had good answers for this questions also.  Then I asked them what it meant to be educated in safety, and they immediately responded with a list of don'ts, i.e., don't throw stones, don't walk in the street, don't go down the slide backwards, etc., until one boy said "Don't climb trees".  The boy sitting next to him immediately said, "Why not.  I do it all the time", to which the first boy responded, "You might fall out of the tree".  "No I won't" was the reply, so I asked him "Why Not"?  The young boy said he would hold on tight, not step on dead branches, climb slowly etc.  The thought immediately came to mind that perhaps safety education wasn't don't do, but rather, learn how to.  Don't swim because you may drown becomes learn how to swim so you don't drown.  The classic one for parents is "Don't run, you might fall".  How about teaching children how to be good runners so they won't fall.  Learning "how to" develops a more physically educated child.  Teach them to ride their bikes, to ice skate, to ski, to swim, to do a variety of sports that will enhance their movement capability and contribute to that built in safety device that all children need in order to enjoy being physically active and stay safe while doing so.   Our motto becomes "learn how to" not "don't do".  Food for thought.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Gaetano´s blog: Thought for the Day - JOBS

Gaetano´s blog: Thought for the Day - JOBS: As we rapidly approach a new school year in the waning days of summer, be thankful that you have a job. Also, be thankful that you have an e...

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Our updated web page is now complete and available for viewing.  Take a moment to particularly view our Events and News section.  Also, please be reminded that all books may be purchased on line in our "Order Now" section.  Individuals may use PayPal, and there is a purchase order form to download for schools, libraries and other groups that need one.  Parents are invited to purchase Upside Right and But Not Always as gifts for their children, or as gifts to give to other children for  birthday parties or other special occasions.  All books are shipped immediately.  Why not buy a book or two today as a gift to your child's school library.  I know your librarian will welcome them as they are good reading books for all.  Thanks for looking at our updated web page.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Thought for the Day - JOBS

As we rapidly approach a new school year in the waning days of summer, be thankful that you have a job. Also, be thankful that you have an endless supply of clients, as each year a whole new generation of children will enter kindergarten and the need for teachers to educate them will continue. You have a life long job if you want one. With it comes the responsibility of shaping the future by providing our children with the skills they will need when they enter the work force in the years ahead. Never under estimate the value of a good teacher, and strive to be the best that you can be, as our children's future, and that of our country, is dependent on you. Enjoy the new school year, and more importantly, enjoy your students.

Monday, August 13, 2012

Nadia Meets Bruce Jenner!!

Nadia Meets Bruce Jenner!!

What an unlikely place for two Olympians, Nadia Comaneci and Bruce Jenner, to meet – Louise Duffy School, West Hartford CT.  Nadia and the Romanian team held a practice session at the Duffy School in preparation for their 1976 exhibition at the Hartford Civic Center.  ABC News contacted me and asked for permission to come to Duffy to meet with Nadia for a one on one interview with Bruce Jenner.  It was the only time they could get the two together for an interview, which was to air the following morning.  What a wonderful opportunity to watch history in the making.

Bruce Jenner arrived early for the interview, but the Romanian coaches would not let the interview take place until after their team had finished their practice session. Bruce was the perfect gentleman and ordered pizza which we ate in my office as we discussed the Olympics and much more.  When the time came for the interview, Bruce, with his infectious smile, walked to the center of the gym and performed a standing back handspring much to everyone’s amazement.  It was obviously not “Olympic quality”, but nonetheless, he did not “crash land” either.  So the form was not perfect with his bent knees and bent arms causing his head to come close to the mat.  Since Nadia did not speak English, they had interpreters, but the smiles between them indicated that they were both enjoying the meeting.  The interview aired the following morning, and we at Duffy were left with more fond memories of Nadia’s visit as well as memories of having pizza with Bruce Jenner in my office.  

Sunday, August 12, 2012



Watching the women’s gymnastics during the Olympics brought back many fond memories of Nadia Comaneci and the night she and the Romanian team practiced in my gym at the Louise Duffy Elementary School in West Hartford CT. They were preparing for an exhibition performance at the Hartford CT Civic Center. Wikipedia has a photo of Nadia practicing her beam routine in the Duffy gym the night before the performance.

Watching a youthful Nadia practice her routines flawlessly with perfect form and grace, left one in awe of her raw talent. Even at that young age, her intensity and concentration were signs of a true champion and were what led her to the “perfect ten” in the 1976 Olympics. It was indeed an exciting evening for the young, aspiring gymnasts from Duffy School who were invited to observe the practice session. I am fortunate to have Nadia’s autograph in my guest book along with several wonderful pictures, and to have observed a “budding star” in action long before she was famous.
Today, I saw Nadia Comaneci being interviewed on TV where she discussed her past experiences as an Olympic gymnast, the changes in the sport today, and the perseverance needed to compete successfully at this level.